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graduate student of the Department of Informatics


PhD, Senior teacher of the Department of Informatics

Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical University



Mobile technologies have become so firmly established in the lives of Ukrainians that a student uses a mobile phone in his studies. Accessing the Internet through a mobile phone makes it possible to change the organization of the educational process.

When it comes to mobile learning, scientists, first of all, mention the possibility of using Internet resources in training; reading e-books; using an electronic dictionary; listening to music, audio materials, and photo materials; viewing videos; making audio or video recordings of lessons or parts thereof; photo texts or a whiteboard with explanations of educational material; take online tests; communicate with participants in training and discuss problematic issues; work with office programs (Word, Excel, PowerPoint); use special programs to train people with disabilities, etc. ([1-2] and others).

Scientists give an extensive list of examples of already-developed electronic resources. This list contains a variety of mobile learning systems, videoconferencing systems, distance courses, mobile applications, electronic publications, lessons, projects, student progress logs, test shells, social networks, e-mail, etc. ([7; 8] and others). In addition, there are examples of academic subjects in which the use of mobile phones is possible.

Quite often, in publications devoted to the use of mobile phones, the authors mention the sensors that are available in these devices: accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetic sensor (magnetometer), microphone, location, and proximity sensor, light intensity sensor or light sensor, GPS receiver, barometer, etc. [3].

In the article [6] The author gives examples of the use of mobile phone sensors in the study of other subjects of the natural and mathematical cycle. Thus, the author proposes to use an accelerometer in a biology course to study the phases of sleep; gyroscope – in mathematics lessons to study the size of the buildings of your settlement, to study the ratio of angles and sides of right triangles in the environment, as well as in geography lessons to determine the distances between objects on the ground; barometer – in geography and physics classes for measuring atmospheric pressure, predicting changes in weather or a person’s well-being, plotting by day and by hour, for analyzing measurements and studying the dependence of atmospheric pressure on height; GPS sensor – in geography and biology classes to record information about the route traveled by the user, the speed of movement, the distance traveled and the time spent, and to “link” this information to the map, as well as to measure the pulse during movement and calculate the further individual route and speed of movement, taking into account the personal indicators of the smartphone user; magnetometer – in geography lessons as a compass; light sensor – in physics lessons in the 7th grade when studying the section “Light phenomena” [4].

The use of a mobile phone in education also depends not only on the preferences of teachers but also on their awareness of the field of information technology [5]. This is the technical and capabilities and application of mobile devices, the willingness to work with mobile technologies, the characteristics and study of each discipline.

So, today the mobile phone acts as a convenient improvised mobile means of learning, with the help of which traditional educational tasks (working with information, preparing for classes, etc.) are solved faster and better, and thanks to this there are changes in the methodology of teaching disciplines, in particular, the methodology of teaching physics. Examples of the use of a mobile phone in world educational practice are diversified every year, but a larger share of such examples falls in more developed countries. In Ukrainian education, the use of a mobile phone is just beginning to gain momentum and requires further severe developments in the field of computer programming and teaching.



  1. Bilous V. Mobile educational applications in modern education. educational discourse. 2018. № 1-2 (20-21). pp. 353-362.
  2. Gorbatyuk R.M., Potapchuk O.I. Formation of readiness of future pedagogical specialists by means of mobile technologies. Modern information technologies and innovative teaching methods in the training of specialists: methodology, theory, experience, problems. 2017. Issue. 48. pp. 106-109.
  3. Martinez L., Garaizar P. Learning Physics Down a Slide: A Set of Experiments to Measure Reality Through Smartphone Sensors. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies. 2014. Vol. 8. Issue 3. pp. 40-43.
  4. Oprea M., Miron C. Mobile phones in the modern teaching of physics. Romanian Reports in Physics. Vol. 66, No. 4. 2014. pp. 1236-
  5. Sulisworo D., Yunita L., Komalasari A. Which Mobile Learning is More Suitable on Physics Learning in Indonesian High School? International Journal of Recent Contributions from Engineering, Science & IT. 2017. Vol. 5. № 1. P. 97-103.
  6. Violin G. V. Use of mobile applications for conducting educational research during the study of subjects of the natural and mathematical cycle. computer in school and family. 2015. № 3. pp. 28-31.
  7. Vorotnikova I.P. Mobile technologies in postgraduate pedagogical education. Informatics and information technology in educational institutions. 2015. № 4. pp. 56-62.
  8. Гордієнко Т.І., Юрченко А. О. Важливість розробки мобільних застосунків для IT фахівця. Features of the development of modern science in the pandemic’s era. Proceedings of the III International Scientific and Theoretical Conference, December 9, 2022. Berlin, Germany: European Scientific Platform. Pp. 83-84.