Дата зміни інформації:



student of the Faculty of Arts

Scientific adviser: Titova L.O.

Lecturer of the Department of Informatics and ICT

Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University

Abstract: Starting from the concept and characteristics of cloud computing technology, this article explore sits specific application ideas and combination methods in the development process of educational informatization, hoping to provide in-depth theoretical research and technical application reference for the construction of educational informatization, and provide beneficial references for the transformation and development of the quality, concept, and mode of educational work.

Keywords: Education informatization; Cloud computing technology; Cloud Education

While technology advances and develops, it will also drive continuous changes in educational work.

Today’s society is accompanied by the establishment and development of a new type of information technology – cloud computing technology, which not only provides assistance for the progress of internet construction, but also brings new driving forces for the development of information technology in the field of education. The application of cloud technology in the development of educational informatization is a huge reform of traditional educational concepts and teaching methods. By promoting the construction of educational models and methods through cloud computing technology, teachers can be liberated from the heavy educational burden.Put more emphasis on education itself, rather than focusing on the implementation and application of various educational methods, in order to drive education work back to the core of teaching. By combining cloud computing technology with educational work, we aim to build a comprehensive educational information system, thereby promoting better transformation and development of teacher education concepts and teaching quality.