Дата зміни інформації:


Ist year student, Institute of Information Technologies

Scientific supervisor Bekish I.O., PhD, associate professor

Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas



X-road is a secure data exchange for distributed environments. Established in 2001, X-Road has been proven to be the e-Society cornerstone assembled from principles, protocols and technical components.

X-Road principles are: information/data owner preserves control over its data; all data owners are made interoperable to each other with their existing technical solutions; peer-2-peer communication in an operator managed environment.

X-Road protocol is collection of existing well-known protocols and standards. X-Road protocols ensure that high level of security has been applied to ever message sent between X-Road members. X-Road comes with components following the X-Road protocol. Open source and operation are controlled by every member. The components ensure secure and reliable messaging between members. Using blockchain principles X-Road ensures integrity as well as authenticity and non-repudiation of exchanged information [1].

Most important X-Road members are data service providers. They share data to others, or vice versa, collect data. All state registries are also data service providers. The majority of members of X-Road are passive users. They inquire data from databases but do not maintain their own database or if they do, they do not share these data with other X-Road members. X-Road members can also be data service mediators. In case of data service mediation, the third party installs the security server necessary for the use of X-Road. The customer’s information system is interfaced with X-Road via the security server of that third party [2].

The X-Road system has already been successfully used in many countries. This system has already been integrated in a number of countries, including Namibia, Azerbaijan, Finland and Ukraine. Also, this platform was successfully launched in the Faroe Islands and Japan. X-Road is also the world’s first platform which automatically exchanges data between countries that allowed data exchange between Estonia and Finland [3].

A system of electronic interaction between state registries “Trembita” according to the Estonian model will be launched in Ukraine by the EU. It is implemented by a consortium from Estonia and Ukraine in co-operation with the State Agency for E-Governance in Ukraine [4].

As a result of public procurement conducted by the EGOV4UKRAINE project under the U-LEAD Europe Program, the Ukrainian software developer “Soft Xpansion Ukraine” will develop an effective information system for the administrative services. The information system will be presented as a cloud-based solution for the Centers for administrative services in order to minimize investments in ICT systems and their local support. The information system for the Centers will be implemented over the next three years [5].


  1. X-ROAD SPACE [Електронний ресурс] – Режим доступу до ресурсу: https://www.x-road.com/.
  2. X-Road members: data service providers, users and mediators [Електронний ресурс] – Режим доступу до ресурсу: https://moodle.ria.ee/mod/book/view.php?id=335&chapterid=150.
  3. Азербайджан стал первой страной, внедрившей прототип эстонской платформы X-Road в системе электронного правительства [Електронний ресурс] – Режим доступу до ресурсу: http://abc.az/ru/news/5431.
  4. ЄС впровадить в Україні систему обміну даних “Трембіта” за естонським зразком [Електронний ресурс] – Режим доступу до ресурсу: http://www.eurointegration.com.ua/news/2017/11/16/7073750/.
  5. Проект EGOV4UKRAINE та українська ІТ-компанія почнуть розробку інформаційної системи для ЦНАПів [Електронний ресурс] – Режим доступу до ресурсу: http://decentralization.gov.ua/news/8241.

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